C# Type Conversion

 Type conversion refers to the process of converting a value from one data type to another. There are two main types of type conversions in C#: implicit and explicit conversions.

1. Implicit Type Conversion

Implicit type conversion is automatically performed by the compiler when it is safe to do so. This typically occurs when converting from a smaller data type to a larger data type (e.g., from int to long, or from float to double).

Example of Implicit Conversion:

1using System; 2 3class Program 4{ 5 static void Main() 6 { 7 int intValue = 123; 8 long longValue = intValue; // Implicit conversion from int to long 9 double doubleValue = intValue; // Implicit conversion from int to double 10 11 Console.WriteLine("Integer Value: " + intValue); 12 Console.WriteLine("Long Value: " + longValue); 13 Console.WriteLine("Double Value: " + doubleValue); 14 } 15}

2. Explicit Type Conversion (Casting)

Explicit type conversion is required when converting from a larger data type to a smaller data type or when converting between incompatible types. This is done using casting.

Example of Explicit Conversion:

1using System; 2 3class Program 4{ 5 static void Main() 6 { 7 double doubleValue = 123.45; 8 int intValue = (int)doubleValue; // Explicit conversion from double to int 9 Console.WriteLine("Double Value: " + doubleValue); 10 Console.WriteLine("Converted Integer Value: " + intValue); 11 } 12}

Note: When converting from double to int, the fractional part is truncated.

3. Using Convert Class

C# provides a Convert class that can be used for type conversion. This class provides methods for converting between different base types.

Example of Using Convert Class:

1using System; 2 3class Program 4{ 5 static void Main() 6 { 7 string stringValue = "123"; 8 int intValue = Convert.ToInt32(stringValue); // Convert string to int 9 double doubleValue = Convert.ToDouble(stringValue); // Convert string to double 10 11 Console.WriteLine("String Value: " + stringValue); 12 Console.WriteLine("Converted Integer Value: " + intValue); 13 Console.WriteLine("Converted Double Value: " + doubleValue); 14 } 15}

4. TryParse Method

For converting strings to numeric types, C# provides the TryParse method, which attempts to parse a string and returns a boolean indicating success or failure.

Example of TryParse:

1using System; 2 3class Program 4{ 5 static void Main() 6 { 7 string stringValue = "456"; 8 int intValue; 9 10 bool success = int.TryParse(stringValue, out intValue); 11 if (success) 12 { 13 Console.WriteLine("Parsed Integer Value: " + intValue); 14 } 15 else 16 { 17 Console.WriteLine("Failed to parse the string to an integer."); 18 } 19 } 20}

5. Boxing and Unboxing

Boxing is the process of converting a value type to an object type, while unboxing is the reverse process.

Example of Boxing and Unboxing:

1using System; 2 3class Program 4{ 5 static void Main() 6 { 7 int intValue = 100; 8 // Boxing 9 object boxedValue = intValue; // int is boxed into an object 10 11 // Unboxing 12 int unboxedValue = (int)boxedValue; // Unboxing back to int 13 14 Console.WriteLine("Boxed Value: " + boxedValue); 15 Console.WriteLine("Unboxed Value: " + unboxedValue); 16 } 17}


  • Implicit Conversion: Automatically performed by the compiler when safe.
  • Explicit Conversion: Requires casting when converting between incompatible types or from larger to smaller types.
  • Convert Class: Provides methods for converting between types.
  • TryParse Method: Safely parses strings to numeric types without throwing exceptions.
  • Boxing and Unboxing: Converting value types to reference types and back.

C# Type Conversion Methods :

1ToBooleanConverts a type to a Boolean value, where possible.
2ToByteConverts a type to a byte.
3ToCharConverts a type to a single Unicode character, where possible.
4ToDateTimeConverts a type (integer or string type) to date-time structures.
5ToDecimalConverts a floating point or integer type to a decimal type.
6ToDoubleConverts a type to a double type.
7ToInt16Converts a type to a 16-bit integer.
8ToInt32Converts a type to a 32-bit integer.
9ToInt64Converts a type to a 64-bit integer.
10ToSByteConverts a type to a signed byte type.
11ToSingleConverts a type to a small floating point number.
12ToStringConverts a type to a string.
13ToTypeConverts a type to a specified type.
14ToUInt16Converts a type to an unsigned 16-bit integer.
15ToUInt32Converts a type to an unsigned 32-bit integer.
16ToUInt64Converts a type to an unsigned 64-bit integer.

Example Usage for Each Method

1. ToBoolean

1using System; 2 3class Program 4{ 5 static void Main() 6 { 7 object obj = 1; 8 bool boolValue = Convert.ToBoolean(obj); 9 Console.WriteLine($"ToBoolean: {boolValue}"); // Output: True 10 } 11}

2. ToByte

1using System; 2 3class Program 4{ 5 static void Main() 6 { 7 object obj = 255; 8 byte byteValue = Convert.ToByte(obj); 9 Console.WriteLine($"ToByte: {byteValue}"); // Output: 255 10 } 11}

3. ToChar

1using System; 2 3class Program 4{ 5 static void Main() 6 { 7 object obj = 'A'; 8 char charValue = Convert.ToChar(obj); 9 Console.WriteLine($"ToChar: {charValue}"); // Output: A 10 } 11}

4. ToDateTime

1using System; 2 3class Program 4{ 5 static void Main() 6 { 7 object obj = "2023-10-05"; 8 DateTime dateTimeValue = Convert.ToDateTime(obj); 9 Console.WriteLine($"ToDateTime: {dateTimeValue}"); // Output: 10/5/2023 12:00:00 AM 10 } 11}

5. ToDecimal

1using System; 2 3class Program 4{ 5 static void Main() 6 { 7 object obj = 123.45; 8 decimal decimalValue = Convert.ToDecimal(obj); 9 Console.WriteLine($"ToDecimal: {decimalValue}"); // Output: 123.45 10 } 11}

6. ToDouble

1using System; 2 3class Program 4{ 5 static void Main() 6 { 7 object obj = 123; 8 double doubleValue = Convert.ToDouble(obj); 9 Console.WriteLine($"ToDouble: {doubleValue}"); // Output: 123 10 } 11}

7. ToInt16

1using System; 2 3class Program 4{ 5 static void Main() 6 { 7 object obj = 32767; 8 short int16Value = Convert.ToInt16(obj); 9 Console.WriteLine($"ToInt16: {int16Value}"); // Output: 32767 10 } 11}

8. ToInt32

1using System; 2 3class Program 4{ 5 static void Main() 6 { 7 object obj = 123456; 8 int int32Value = Convert.ToInt32(obj); 9 Console.WriteLine($"ToInt32: {int32Value}"); // Output: 123456 10 } 11}

9. ToInt64

1using System; 2 3class Program 4{ 5 static void Main() 6 { 7 object obj = 9223372036854775807; // Max value for Int64 8 long int64Value = Convert.ToInt64(obj); 9 Console.WriteLine($"ToInt64: {int64Value}"); // Output: 9223372036854775807 10 } 11}

10. ToSByte

1using System; 2 3class Program 4{ 5 static void Main() 6 { 7 object obj = -128; 8 sbyte sbyteValue = Convert.ToSByte(obj); 9 Console.WriteLine($"ToSByte: {sbyteValue}"); // Output: -128 10 } 11}

11. ToSingle

1using System; 2 3class Program 4{ 5 static void Main() 6 { 7 object obj = 123.45; 8 float singleValue = Convert.ToSingle(obj); 9 Console.WriteLine($"ToSingle: {singleValue}"); // Output: 123.45 10 } 11}

12. ToString

1using System; 2 3class Program 4{ 5 static void Main() 6 { 7 object obj = 123; 8 string stringValue = Convert.ToString(obj); 9 Console.WriteLine($"ToString: {stringValue}"); // Output: 123 10 } 11}

13. ToType

1using System; 2 3class Program 4{ 5 static void Main() 6 { 7 object obj = "123"; 8 int intValue = (int)Convert.ChangeType(obj, typeof(int)); 9 Console.WriteLine($"ToType (ChangeType): {intValue}"); // Output: 123 10 } 11}

14. ToUInt16

1using System; 2 3class Program 4{ 5 static void Main() 6 { 7 object obj = 65535; // Maximum value for UInt16 8 ushort uint16Value = Convert.ToUInt16(obj); 9 Console.WriteLine($"ToUInt16: {uint16Value}"); // Output: 65535 10 } 11}

15. ToUInt32

1using System; 2 3class Program 4{ 5 static void Main() 6 { 7 object obj = 4294967295; // Maximum value for UInt32 8 uint uint32Value = Convert.ToUInt32(obj); 9 Console.WriteLine($"ToUInt32: {uint32Value}"); // Output: 4294967295 10 } 11}

16. ToUInt64

1using System; 2 3class Program 4{ 5 static void Main() 6 { 7 object obj = 18446744073709551615; // Maximum value for UInt64 8 ulong uint64Value = Convert.ToUInt64(obj); 9 Console.WriteLine($"ToUInt64: {uint64Value}"); // Output: 18446744073709551615 10 } 11}

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